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拖放交互本质上是有状态的。因此,React DnD 在设计上利用了 Flux 数据模式,并使用动作和还原器(独立于 React)对拖放状态进行建模。钩子是在 React 中使用有状态数据源的完美方式。事实上,这也是 React 中许多状态管理库所采用的方法!
我们提供了三个主要钩子,用于将您的组件连接到 React DnD,第四个钩子则为您提供了 React DnD 的接缝(用于测试或开发目的)
import { useDrag } from 'react-dnd'function Box() {const [{ isDragging }, drag, dragPreview] = useDrag(() => ({// "type" is required. It is used by the "accept" specification of drop targets.type: 'BOX',// The collect function utilizes a "monitor" instance (see the Overview for what this is)// to pull important pieces of state from the DnD system.collect: (monitor) => ({isDragging: monitor.isDragging()})}))return ({/* This is optional. The dragPreview will be attached to the dragSource by default */}<div ref={dragPreview} style={{ opacity: isDragging ? 0.5 : 1}}>{/* The drag ref marks this node as being the "pick-up" node */}<div role="Handle" ref={drag} /></div>)}
function Bucket() {const [{ canDrop, isOver }, drop] = useDrop(() => ({// The type (or types) to accept - strings or symbolsaccept: 'BOX',// Props to collectcollect: (monitor) => ({isOver: monitor.isOver(),canDrop: monitor.canDrop()})}))return (<divref={drop}role={'Dustbin'}style={{ backgroundColor: isOver ? 'red' : 'white' }}>{canDrop ? 'Release to drop' : 'Drag a box here'}</div>)}
要进一步了解,请阅读各 个挂钩 API 文档,或查看 GitHub 上的示例。